Popped Playlist: #006

Popped Playlist


playlist-006With more minutes of music coming in than hours available in the day to listen to and share there’s only one way forward. A collection of our favourite tracks that hit our ears each month. Some that have already featured on Popped and plenty that just we ran out of time for but definitely deserve a lend of your ears.

This month you’ll find new music from brand new bands and brand new music from some bands you might have already laid your ears on.

To top it off we want to give you the option to vote for your favourite with the aim being that the winner will get a feature post the following month. So  this all hinges on you!

The more you share the more votes your fave will get the more chance the band will have to get their feature – all thanks to you!

So check out our playlist powered by popped and get involved.

The poll will close one week from today.

Listen to the Popped Playlist : 006  here:

Vote here:
Winner of Playlist #005 was MarthaGunn with Honest  – listen here:
Read their exclusive Q&A here.

Like what you hear? Don't like what you hear? .... tell us... here:

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